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Pic. from Migrant right |
US Trafficking in Persons Report 2012: Kuwait
is a destination country for men and women who are subjected to forced labor
and, to a lesser degree, forced prostitution. Men and women migrate from India,
Egypt, Bangladesh, Syria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Indonesia,
Nepal, Iran, Jordan, Ethiopia, and Iraq to work in Kuwait, mainly in the
domestic service, construction, and sanitation sectors. Although most of these
migrants enter Kuwait voluntarily, upon arrival their sponsors and labor agents
subject some migrants to conditions of forced labor, including nonpayment of
wages, long working hours without rest, deprivation of food, threats, physical
or sexual abuse, and restrictions on movement, such as confinement to the
workplace and the withholding of passports. While Kuwait requires a standard
contract for domestic workers delineating their rights, many workers report
work conditions that are substantially different from those described in the
contract; some workers never see the contract at all.
Many of the migrant
workers arriving for work in Kuwait have paid exorbitant fees to recruiters in
their home countries or are coerced into paying labor broker fees in Kuwait
that, by Kuwaiti law, should be paid for by the employer – a practice that
makes workers highly vulnerable to forced labor once in Kuwait. Due to
provisions of Kuwait’s sponsorship law that restrict workers’ movements and
penalize workers for running away from abusive workplaces, domestic workers are
particularly vulnerable to forced labor inside private homes. In addition,
media sources report that runaway domestic workers fall prey to forced
prostitution by agents who exploit their illegal status.
Government of Kuwait does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the
elimination of trafficking and is not making sufficient efforts to do so. The
parliament has still not enacted a draft comprehensive anti-trafficking law.
While various government ministries are tasked with addressing
trafficking-related issues, there is no lead official, ministry, nor national
coordinating body that focused on anti-trafficking efforts. The governement’s
victim protection measures remain weak, particularly due to the lack of
proactive victim identification and referral procedures and continued reliance
on the sponsorship system, which inherently punishes, rather than protects,
trafficking victims for immigration violations. The government continues to
operate a temporary shelter for runaway female domestic workers, established in
September 2007, though it offers no such facility accommodating male victims of
trafficking. The government also did not make significant progress in
fulfilling other commitments made since 2007, such as enacting a law to provide
domestic workers with the same rights as other workers or completing the
construction of a large-capacity permanent shelter for victims of trafficking.
The government similarly made insufficient efforts to prevent trafficking in
persons during the reporting period. For these reasons, Kuwait is placed on
Tier 3 for a sixth consecutive year.
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KUWAIT (Tier 3) |
Recommendations for Kuwait: Enact the draft
anti-trafficking bill to specifically prohibit and punish all human trafficking
offenses; significantly increase efforts to prosecute, punish, and stringently
sentence traffickers, particularly sponsors who force domestic workers into
involuntary servitude; enact and enforce the draft domestic workers bill to
provide domestic workers with the same rights as other workers, including the
establishment of a minimum wage, the deposit of salaries into employee bank
accounts, maximum working hours, overtime compensation, a clear job
description, a contract provided in the domestic worker’s native language, and
the right to annual and sick leave; establish procedures to proactively
identify all victims of human trafficking, especially among the female domestic
worker population; establish and operate a large-scale shelter for trafficking
victims; revise sponsorship provisions that make workers vulnerable to abuse,
including domestic workers; enforce existing laws against sponsors and
employers who illegally hold migrant workers’ passports; continue to expand on
existing anti-trafficking training to law enforcement and judicial officials;
and significantly increase efforts to prevent trafficking.
Government of Kuwait made few discernible efforts to improve its law
enforcement efforts against trafficking during the reporting period. The
government has yet to enact a comprehensive anti-trafficking bill that has been
on the parliament’s agenda since November 2009. Despite the continued absence
of a comprehensive anti-trafficking law, the government could prosecute and
punish trafficking offenses under other provisions of the Kuwaiti Criminal
Code, but there is little evidence it has done so in a systematic fashion.
Limited forms of transnational slavery are prohibited through Article 185,
which prescribes a maximum penalty of five years’ imprisonment. Law 16/1960
criminalizes forced labor or exploitation, while maltreatment that amounts to
torture and leads to death is considered first-degree murder. Article 201,
which prohibits forced prostitution, prescribes a maximum sentence of five
years’ imprisonment if the victim is an adult and seven years’ if the victim is
under the age of 18. These prescribed penalties are sufficiently stringent and
commensurate with those prescribed for other serious offenses, such as rape.
Nonetheless, the government did not report any arrests, prosecutions,
convictions, or sentences of traffickers during the reporting period for either
forced labor or sex trafficking. Media sources report that in mid-2011, Kuwaiti
security officials arrested a total of nine individuals for allegedly
kidnapping women, some of whom were domestic workers, and selling the victims
into forced prostitution. All cases were referred to the Public Prosecutor, but
it remains unclear if these arrests resulted in prosecutions. Although the
withholding of workers’ passports is prohibited under Kuwaiti law, this
practice remains common among sponsors and employers of foreign workers, and
the Government of Kuwait has demonstrated no genuine efforts to enforce this
prohibition. Almost none of the domestic workers who take refuge in their
home-country embassy shelters have passports in their possession. The
government remains reluctant to prosecute Kuwaiti citizens for trafficking
offenses despite allegations that the majority of offenses involved Kuwaiti
employers in private residences. When Kuwaiti nationals are investigated for
trafficking offenses, they tend to receive less scrutiny than foreigners.
Kuwaiti law enforcement generally takes an administrative or civil approach in
addressing cases of forced labor, such as assessing fines, shutting down
employment firms, issuing orders for employers to return withheld passports, or
requiring employers to pay back-wages. In June 2011, various government
ministries received training on victim protection and best practices from
foreign government and IOM officials. Also during this reporting period, the
government provided funding to IOM to conduct anti-trafficking training for
police, judges, and other officials in Kuwait.
the year, the Kuwaiti government made inadequate efforts to protect victims of
trafficking. It did not develop or implement formal procedures for the
proactive identification of trafficking victims among vulnerable populations,
such as foreign domestic workers and women in prostitution. Kuwait’s migrant
sponsorship law effectively dissuades foreign workers from reporting abuses
committed by their employers to government authorities; workers who flee from
their employers face criminal and financial penalties of up to six months’
imprisonment, the equivalent of over $2,000 in fines, and deportation for
leaving without their employers’ permission, even if they ran away from an
abusive sponsor. The threat of these consequences discouraged workers from
appealing to police or other government authorities for protection and from
obtaining adequate legal redress for their exploitation.
Government of Kuwait did not encourage victims of trafficking to assist in the
investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases, and it did not offer
foreign trafficking victims legal alternatives to their removal to countries in
which they may face hardship or retribution. Moreover, victims were not offered
legal aid by the government. Some foreign victims of trafficking received
monetary settlements from their employers, though trafficking-related charges
were not pursued against the employer. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor
continued to operate a short-term shelter for runaway domestic workers with a
maximum capacity of 40. The shelter detained victims involuntarily until their
legal or immigration cases were resolved. The government also did not report the
actual number of trafficking victims assisted at this shelter during the
reporting period. It is unclear whether victims of forced prostitution can
access the government’s temporary shelter, and there continued to be no shelter
or other protective services afforded for male victims of trafficking. In 2007,
the government announced it would open a high-capacity shelter for runaway
domestic workers; this shelter was under construction, but was not yet complete
at the end of the reporting period. The Kuwaiti government provided source
countries with funds to pay for the repatriation of some runaway domestic
workers sheltered at their embassies in Kuwait. The Ministry of Interior
continued to offer training on trafficking issues for government employees, including
IOM-sponsored training courses on trafficking victim recognition and
protection. The government does not, however, provide funding to domestic NGOs
or international organizations that provide direct services to trafficking
Government of Kuwait made minimal progress in preventing trafficking in persons
during the past year. The Private Sector Labor Law, enacted in February 2010,
mandated the formation of a government-run sponsorship system for non-domestic
laborers, which would replace the current sponsorship system. During the
reporting period, the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor worked to implement
this legal requirement by creating the Public Authority for Manpower; however,
parliament has not yet ratified the creation of this entity, so it has not
become operational. A government provision set in April 2010 to increase the
minimum wage for workers in the private sector continues to exclude Kuwait’s
more than a half-million domestic workers – the group most vulnerable to human
trafficking – and does not establish mechanisms to monitor implementation of
this rule. As in past years, the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs made a
nationwide effort to reduce overseas child sex tourism by requiring some Sunni
mosques to deliver Friday sermons on the danger of sex abroad and Islam’s
strict teachings against improper sexual relations.
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