USTrafficking in Persons Report 2012: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a
destination, and to a lesser extent transit , country for men and women, predominantly
from South and Southeast Asia, who are subjected to forced labor and forced
prostitution. Migrant workers, who comprise more than 90 percent of the UAE’s
private sector workforce, are recruited from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, China, Thailand, Korea,
Afghanistan, Iran, and the Philippines. Women from some of these countries
travel willingly to the UAE to work as domestic servants, secretaries,
beauticians, and hotel cleaners, but some are subjected to conditions
indicative of forced labor, including unlawful withholding of passports,
restrictions on movement, nonpayment of wages, threats, or physical or sexual
abuse. Restrictive sponsorship laws for foreign domestic workers often give
employers power to control domestic workers’ movements, threaten them with
abuse of legal processes, and make them vulnerable to exploitation.
Men from
India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal are drawn to the UAE for work
in the construction sector; some are subjected to conditions of forced labor,
including debt bondage as they struggle to pay off debts for recruitment fees.
In some cases, employers have declared bankruptcy and fled the country,
effectively abandoning their employees in conditions vulnerable to labor
exploitation. Some women from Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, the
Far East, East Africa, Iraq, Iran, and Morocco are subjected to forced
prostitution in the UAE.
The Government of the United
Arab Emirates does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the
elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so.
This year, the government continued to prosecute and punish sex trafficking
offenders, though its efforts to combat forced labor were lacking. The government’s
failure to address labor and other forms of trafficking continues to be a gap
in the Emirates’ law enforcement efforts against trafficking. However, during
the reporting period, in direct response to indicators of forced labor of
temporary migrant workers and domestic servants, the government implemented
victim identification procedures, drafted a law to protect domestic workers,
and continued to aggressively enforce its Wage Protection System, which is
intended to ensure the payment of wages to workers. The government continued to
implement its anti-trafficking awareness campaigns and to refer identified sex
trafficking victims to protective services. In addition, the government invited
Dr. Joy Ezeilo, the UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, in April
2012 to conduct a fact-finding mission on trafficking issues in the UAE and
offer recommendations to strengthen government efforts against trafficking.
Nonetheless, labor trafficking victims remained largely unprotected and, due to
the government’s lack of capacity to identify victims of forced labor among
vulnerable populations, victims may be punished for immigration and other
for the United Arab Emirates: Significantly
increase efforts to investigate, prosecute, and punish labor trafficking
offenses, and convict and punish trafficking offenders, including recruitment
agents and employers who subject workers to forced labor; enact and implement
the draft law addressing the protection of domestic workers’ rights; institute
formal procedures to identify proactively victims of trafficking among
vulnerable groups such as workers subjected to labor abuses, those apprehended
for violations of immigration laws, domestic workers who have fled their
employers, and foreign females in prostitution; provide protection services to
all victims of trafficking, including by extending protection to victims of
forced labor on par with victims of forced prostitution; ensure trafficking
victims are not incarcerated, fined, or otherwise penalized for unlawful acts
committed as a direct result of being trafficked, including victims of forced
labor; enforce prohibitions on withholding of workers’ passports; extend labor
law protections to domestic workers; and reform the sponsorship system so it
does not provide excessive power to sponsors or employers in granting and
sustaining the legal status of workers.
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The UAE government sustained
its strong law enforcement efforts against sex trafficking during the reporting
period, but again failed to take any discernible measures to investigate or
punish forced labor offenses. The UAE prohibits all forms of trafficking under
its federal law Number 51 of 2006, which prescribes penalties ranging from one
year in prison to life imprisonment, as well as fines and deportation if the
trafficker is an expatriate. These penalties are sufficiently stringent and
commensurate with those prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape. In
November 2010, the Dubai authorities established a special court to expedite
human trafficking prosecutions in that Emirate. During the reporting period,
the UAE government continued to combat sex trafficking, investigating 44 cases
in 2011, two of which involved victims under the age of 18. Thirty-seven of these
cases were prosecuted under the anti-trafficking law, which is a significant
decrease from the 58 sex trafficking cases prosecuted in 2010. According to the
government’s 2011-2012 annual human trafficking report, the 37 prosecutions
yielded 111 arrests and involved 51 victims; 19 traffickers were convicted and
punished with prison terms including life imprisonment.
Despite the UAE’s
prohibition of labor trafficking offenses, the government only reported the
prosecution of one forced labor case under the anti-trafficking law. In January
2011, two women were charged with forced labor offenses for forcing a woman to
work in a massage parlor; they were also charged with forced prostitution of
two other victims. The prosecution was still ongoing at the end of the
reporting period. The government failed to report any convictions or
punishments for forced labor during the reporting period. Prohibitions against
practices that greatly contribute to forced labor, such as the widespread
withholding of workers’ passports, remained unenforced. The government
continued to respond to workers’ complaints of unpaid wages, but this response
was largely limited to administrative remedies, including fines or mediation to
recover the wages; seldom did the government criminally investigate or punish
an employer. The government’s inter-ministerial National Committee to Combat
Human Trafficking (NCCHT) and Dubai authorities continued to train judicial and
law enforcement officials and staff of the government’s social services agency
on human trafficking issues. The Ministry of Interior (MOI) also conducted 47
internal training courses for over 1,000 anti-trafficking specialists in 2011,
and anti-trafficking courses were added to police academies’ curriculums. The
NCCHT also finalized a data collection methodology to establish a central
database for law enforcement officers working on anti-trafficking cases. The
government did not report any investigations, prosecutions, or convictions for
government complicity in trafficking offenses. The government reported actively
cooperating with other countries and international agencies on international
trafficking investigations during the year. For example, UAE cooperated with
Azerbaijani authorities to extradite three Azerbaijani traffickers who were
listed on an INTERPOL watch list.
The UAE government made
sustained, yet uneven, progress in protecting victims of trafficking during the
reporting period. Although it continued to provide services to victims of sex
trafficking, it demonstrated no efforts to improve care for victims of forced
labor. The government continues to fund shelters for female and child victims
of trafficking and abuse in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras al Khaimah, and Sharjah.
These facilities provide medical, psychological, legal, educational, and
vocational assistance to victims of trafficking. While the government does not
provide shelter services for male victims of trafficking, in 2011, the Ministry
of Labor in Dubai provided alternative options for some laborers who were
abandoned by their employers, including repatriation, filing a grievance
against the employer, or locating a new employer. In the first half of 2011,
the Dubai shelter assisted 19 victims of trafficking and the Abu Dhabi shelter
assisted 29 women and children trafficking victims, which is a significant
decrease from the 49 and 71 victims the shelters assisted in 2010. The Ras Al
Khaimah and Sharjah shelters assisted 15 and 14 victims, respectively, in 2011.
Two victims referred to shelter services in 2011 were UAE nationals who were
forced into prostitution by family members. Once identified, victims reportedly
were not punished for unlawful acts committed as a direct result of being
trafficked, such as prostitution offenses. Authorities report that government
officials, including the police, as well as houses of worship and community
centers, refer victims to shelters. The government reportedly identified and
referred 32 sex trafficking victims to care facilities in the first nine months
of 2011. The government continued to implement aggressively its
anti-trafficking awareness campaigns, and the MOI implemented new victim
identification procedures during 2011.
Police stations designated personnel and
implemented standard operating procedures to identify victims of both sex and
labor trafficking; however, some victims may have remained unidentified due to
capacity issues. As a result, some victims of sex trafficking, who the
government did not identify, may have been penalized through incarceration,
fines, or deportation for unlawful acts committed as a direct result of being
trafficked. To attempt to remedy this problem, the government reportedly has a
referral process to improve the identification of trafficking victims in
detention or prison and refer them to a local shelter; NGOs report the referral
system works well in practice. Moreover, in January 2012, shelter
representatives reported that the MOI implemented a system to place suspected
trafficking victims in a transitional facility, instead of a detention center,
until victim identification is completed.
The government encouraged
identified victims of sex trafficking to assist in the investigation and
prosecution of traffickers by providing victims with housing and sometimes
employment. Nonetheless, the UAE continues to fail to recognize forced labor
victims, particularly if they are over the age of 18 and entered the country
voluntarily. While the UAE government exempts victims of trafficking from
paying fines accrued for overstaying their visas, the government did not offer
victims of labor trafficking – likely the most prevalent form of trafficking in
the UAE – shelter, counseling, or immigration relief. Domestic workers who fled
from their employers often accessed limited assistance at their embassies, but
largely were presumed to be violators of the law by UAE authorities. The UAE
government did not actively encourage victims of labor trafficking to
participate in investigations or prosecutions, and it did not initiate
proactive investigations of forced labor offenses committed against these
victims. In addition, although training for law enforcement officials included
training on victim identification, the government does not have formal
procedures for proactively identifying victims of trafficking among high risk
persons with whom they come in contact. As a result, victims of forced labor
may have been punished for unlawful acts committed as a direct result of being
trafficked, such as immigration violations.
The government did not provide
long-term legal alternatives to the removal of foreign trafficking victims to
countries where they faced retribution or hardship.
The UAE government continued to
make anti-trafficking prevention efforts a priority during the reporting
period. The government and Dubai police conducted anti-trafficking information
and education campaigns within the UAE and with source country embassies, and
expanded an advertisement campaign, which was implemented in 2010 in the Abu
Dhabi and Al Ain international airports, to additional international airports
throughout the country. The government also restricted the issuance of tourist
visas to certain vulnerable populations that had been subject to sex
trafficking. The UAE’s Cabinet of Ministers approved a draft law in January
2012 protecting the rights of domestic workers, which awaited presidential
approval and subsequent implementation at the end of the reporting period. The
NCCHT re-launched its website to raise awareness of trafficking and established
a toll-free hotline to report labor abuses. The MOI also conducted lectures on
forced labor issues, which reached nearly 52,000 foreign workers in companies
and institutions across the country. The government was transparent about its
anti-trafficking efforts, as it continued to publish an annual public report on
its anti-trafficking measures. In April 2012, the government also invited the
UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons to conduct an assessment on
trafficking in the UAE and provide recommendations to increase government
awareness and strengthen efforts to combat trafficking. Government authorities
produced and translated into source country languages pamphlets on workers’
rights and resources for assistance for distribution to migrant workers. In
addition, the Dubai Police’s Human Trafficking Crimes Control Center reported
it conducted 1,648 inspections of labor camps in 2011 and received 668
complaints to its labor hotline; however, none of the cases received by the
hotline were deemed labor trafficking. Additionally, the government sustained
its Wage Protection System (WPS), an electronic salary monitoring system
intended to ensure workers receive their salaries. Monitored by the Ministry of
Labor, the WPS has penalized over 600 employers who have failed to register
their wage payments. Approximately 2.85 million workers and 205,000 of the
250,000 registered companies have enrolled in the WPS since its launch in 2009.
In 2011, the UAE also implemented a system to verify contracts with some labor
source countries to protect workers from contract substitution and other
fraudulent activities. The government, however, did not take any measures to
reduce the demand for commercial sex acts in the UAE or child sex tourism by
UAE nationals.
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